Reflect These Are The Richest Women In American History

While the gender pay gap is unfortunately alive and well, with women earning less than men who do the same work, there’s still no shortage of successful, entrepreneurial women across a variety of industries — from tech to entertainment.Some of these women come from old money, while others made their own fortune — but in…

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Woman Talking on Rotary Phone Grow Rediscovering The Past: Retro Products That Never Really Went Away

When a new piece of technology generates a great deal of hype, one can typically expect excited consumers to line up around the block for it. And once they finally get their hands on it, whatever came before it is instantly forgotten.But while there’s usually a big selling point that attracts customers to a new…

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Converse Reflect Popular “American” Brands That Are Actually Made Overseas

As the global economy evolves, several once proudly American-owned companies have undergone significant transformations, now under foreign ownership. This shift can be attributed to strategic acquisitions by international corporations seeking to expand their market presence, capitalize on technological advancements, and gain access to valuable intellectual property. Let’s explore the reasons behind these changes and examines…

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